Little Demons

GAME LINK: That’s What Little Demons Are Made OF…

Greetings All,
Been a while since I’ve published anything. I hope you enjoy my offering. Please note, there is a mature theme in play here. I hope no one takes offense. This was mostly just to promote interest in actually reading the story. I appreciate your attention and look forward to any feedback. Thanks again and have a wonderful day. :slight_smile:

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The theme definitely works to promote reading the whole story! Your game is the first one I’ve tried out and I’m pretty impressed with the level of polish. Nice work!

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Very kind of you Greg. For a text based CYOA kinda plot, it’s about as fun as it can be. :slight_smile: Thanks for your feedback and your kind words. :slight_smile:

Wow ! So you have finish the entire course or you did that onnly wih this lesson ? Quite polished

The layout is amazing! I like how you manage to have an image in the background that does not destract from the text!

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