Link to 'Logging in UE4' no longer works

It appears the Unreal 4 wiki is deprecated and no longer available (even in read-only).

Link that is presented in Udemy: Logging in UE4

The contents can still be seen, at the time of my posting, in Google’s Cache

Also, the official documentation has a bit of a limited version of this documentation HERE

Epic’s decision to take down the wiki really hurts. The API documentation they do provide can at best be described as disheveled. For instance the UE_LOG documentation now nothing but blurb and is tucked in under FString, which makes no sense. Using the search feature to find things is hit-or-miss. I hope they shore this up a bit, and soon.

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Try here:,_Printing_Messages_To_Yourself_During_Runtime

They’ve restored the old wiki content elsewhere.

Here is more recent (as of August 2021) link to what seems to be the same originally referenced content:

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