"Likes A Boss!" Working Title


Genre -3rd person fixed camera in the style Guardian of Light, Diablo with Gauntlet stlye spawns and complex boss mechanics.

Target Audience -T teens

Controls – -Mouse, keyboard and controller

Thematic Setting -Steam punk, robots, mechanical creatures

Tech Stack -Unity 2018, Blender, Gimp, Brashmonkey, Audacity

Platforms -Steam, console.

Game Moment - The character has to defeat a short level consisting of various enemy lairs(spawn points). Once completed they can unlock the boss, who will have a potentially have an enrage timer, several attacks and pattern behaviors.

Inspirations -COOP play eventually, the look and feel of the Borderlands artworks, gauntlet spawning, Psychonauts , Red Dwarf humour.

gaunt rift diab bo gol psy

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Sounds good!

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