Ligning up finger holes to reference material

What is the best method to lign up these finger holes to the reference image I have on the bowling ball?

As you can see from the above they don’t quite lign up.
Should I increase the overall geometry of the bowling ball from 3 to 4 or select the area and subdivide?

In the second image I subdivided that bottom area. Then refined it a bit more in the third image below.

I guess what I want to know which would be the better practice?
And is what I did in the third example acceptable?



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Goal is to have edge loops around the holes.
The last image doesn’t have that anymore.
I think you don’t need to strive for an exact match.
Which is very, very difficult. Just follow the tutorial.

Admirable intent to match some reference.

However in this case follow the lectures, its about learning methods more than absolute accuracy in positioning. Much later more advanced techniques might make such accuracy possible, but it is not the place to worry about that here, I would suggest.

Welcome to this site.

Gotcha, this is beyond the current skill level. So I should do best case.


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