So I’m trying to make a bright, colorful scene, but for some reason the sun’s colors are just being washed out by the lights, if I make them less bright then it’s just dark, but if I make it to bright it get’s washed out… this feels like it should be easy to fix, but I’m not certain how to.
To answer that requires knowing your scene. Such as which render engine are you using and which blender version? Now you can also adjust the color management. found on the color management panel of the render tab of the properties editor. I’d start with changing the look from the default of none to very high contrast. This will make the colors brighter especially on the newer AgX visual transform. You then may want to increase the exposure. Make sure to have the image editor open and image set to render result so that you can see the effects immediately.
How is your sun’s material? Sometimes this is the point. Which sort of lights are you using? Are those point lights? Have you tried to remove all lights and re-check their effects individually on the sun?
Maybe there is a single culprit, but if the other lighting looks good to you, I would start with the sun’s material texture and color.
Thanks! I went and played around with the lights, and then I changed the render format and then played with compositing till I got something I liked. It looks a lot better now
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