Lighthouse scene

I’m pretty happy with my lighthouse considering this is the first time I have ever done anything like this. It has been a fun little course so far. I can see there are things I want to change but don’t have the expertise yet to figure out how to make it look better :grinning:

Composition wise things don’t look scaled right. I don’t think a lighthouse would only just peak above the line of houses and imagine that light shining in your window at night.


I love this model, the lighting is great and the tiny houses look good as well, I’d say this is a great model for your first time!

A simple fix could be to lower the ground that the houses are on, but like I said before, it’s great for your first model, and honestly I’d move past this and on to the next section because your skills will increase substantially, and you’d always have the ability to come back to this one when you get better.

Good luck on your future Blender/Gamedev endeavors!


Well done it looks good.
I blame Grant, the lighthouse should be on the high point not the houses!

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