Lighthouse & Castle

I’m back! It’s been a long time since I made any work in blender, so I’ve decided to get back into it by retaking this course. I’ve completed up to the low poly dino, so I’ll share those projects soonish.


Cool! Always nice to see people putting in the effort to make some extra stuff beyond what’s shown in the courses ^v^

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Very nice scene from all the course elements, and extra additions.

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Since I did this project a long while back, I didn’t want to remake it 1:1, so I thought about how to expand it and what details I could add. Ships, docks, a little sea-serpent… Plus, doing it in this style is definitely a challenge.


Excellent work and welcome back!

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Very pleasant scene! The colors are really nice together and the composition is great too. Inspires me to also try redoing that one to see how I’ve improved.


It’s not only great, it reminds me that this week’s Blender’s Collab subject is 2024 Collab: Week 29 “It’s a Low-Poly World”. Last week’s one was 2024 Collab: Week 28 “In the summertime” - V O T I N G! - #10 by FedPete. If you want to enjoy some fun practice, maybe you would like checking these and even give it a try :smiley:.


Thank you, I wasn’t aware of this! Since I made this project 2 weeks ago, I’ll make something new for the challenge.


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