Light Portals Do Not Really Work

…or then the 20 samples count is too low for the house. When I did the exercises with Mike, I got a visible difference in graininess when using portals but not so much with the house. Then I remembered that I downloaded and installed that Filmic… something that everyone is recommending and that I was supposed to have a brighter sun with that. I used nodes to brighten the sky.

Window, dimmer sun, no portals.

Window, brighter sun, no portals

Window, brighter sun, with portals

I don’t know… I think it looks worse with the brighter sun. Messier and kind of unrealistic, since the windows are so small. Just for reference, dimmer sun with portals.

I would still use light portals, because they worked with the cube test.

Light portals only work when you use environmental light.
Because light comes from all directions (360), so a light portal will help the render to discard light rays.
If you use a lamp, this is not needed. The location of the lamp is known. So light portals are not needed (do not work).

Hi Pete

I do have the environmental light there. That is the white color of the… is it skybox? And the lamp there, well, I understood that you create light portals by choosing area light and then ticking the “portal” box. That’s what I did, anyway, so that “lamp” there is not really a lamp.

I think that the room is just too dark? Those windows are kind of small. Maybe I just can’t expect better froma dark corner with too tiny windows for a light source. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi, to be honest I also had my share of problems with portals.

I believe it’s only reacting on this one (but not sure).

Your settings seem to be the same as mine. Maybe you already had enough light? Mike did mention that the portals don’t necessarily always help.

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