"License error", can't start the program

Hi everyone! I just installed 4.6.9 Unity on my Macbook but it keeps telling me there is a License error:

  • I open the program and a License window pops up.
  • I created a Unity account, verified my E-mail, logged in.
  • I selected the License for “Personal Edition” and checked the "I don’t use Unity in a professional capacity.” option.
  • A “License Error” with no details shows and then nothing

What I’ve tried so far:

  • I’ve tried starting unity multiple times (with the same account).
  • I restarted my computer, because why not.
  • I disconnected from internet and tried the “manual activation” in the webpage but the same error shows up.

Someone else had the same problem and managed to resolve it?

Here is a screenshot, thanks a lot!

Hi @Moon_Raccoon,

This may work…

  1. Close Unity entirely

  2. Navigate \ProgramData\Unity (may be different on Mac / older versions of Windows)


  3. Delete the .ulf file (Version 4 is typically “Unity_v4.x.ulf”.) see below

  4. Start Unity again

Note, I am unfamiliar with Mac OS so I don’t know what the paths would be like, worst case I guess you could search for the .ulf file.

I would recommend keeping a copying of the file, just in case, but not in this directory, until you know the problem is resolved.

Hope thie helps. :slight_smile:


Hi Rob! Thanks a lot for your quick answer!

So this happened:

  • I tried to find that file in my mac, the manual says it should be on: “/Library/Application Support/Unity/Unity_v4.x.ulf”
  • It turned out that I don’t even had a Unity folder created on that path… :no_mouth:
  • I supposed something went wrong with the installation so I reinstalled from scratch…
  • Now it activated without problem!

–> To sum up: reinstalling Unity solved the problem!

Should have done that earlier but since Unity didn’t specify nothing about the problem I thought it was related to my account or the license… :sweat:

Thanks a lot for your help.

By the way, I still don’t have the Unity folder on the Library path and I can’t find that file neither (I used the search option in all my computer), but I guess that’s not a problem now, just weird… :confused:

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Glad you have got it resolved. Odd that directory doesn’t exist, I wasn’t aware that it was a Windows only configuration.

Does the Mac also have the concept if hidden files? I’m guess if so, could it be that the directory/file(s) don’t show by default if perhaps they are hidden?

As you say, doesn’t really matter now but I am left curious (and can’t go buying a Mac to find out :wink: )

Well, usually the “Library” folder with the Application files is hidden, but I revealed it a long ago since I use it often…

Now that I started the course a MonoDevelop folder was created in there, but still no Unity folder in the Library where the manual says it should be… :no_mouth:

I used a command in the Terminal to reveal al the hidden files but nothing!

Maybe it’s because of the OS version? I am using OSX El Capitan by the way.


Hmm, kinda weird huh…

The screenshot I popped up above was for the program_data_ directory, not the install path of Unity but if you have also searched for the file extension you’d imagine that would have revealed the file in question.

I think this may remain as one of life’s little mysteries, but never-the-less, I’m glad you got it all working :slight_smile:

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