This is how I wrote the answer on my my pad:
64 / 4 = 15.75
- 15
= 0.75
4 * 0.75 = 3
Answer 3 means Player 4 would go first.
I’ve lost track of the thread so will just come up with my own number, say 812.
812 / 4 = 203
- 203
= 0
4 x 0 = 0
Answer 0 means Player 1 would go first.
One more for luck, random number is 8349
8349 / 4 = 2087.25
- 2087
= 0.25
4 x 0.25 = 1
Answer 1 means Player 2 would go first.
I don’t know how to code any of this sort of thing yet.
If anyone else wants a random number to respond to, I pick ‘67 % 4’.