Lever Problem After Making Takedown Logic

After I made the player takedown logic I could not interact with the lever no longer. It still makes the sound but doesn’t flip up and down and the sensor bars do not disappear. It was all working before until I got on today and noticed it not working anymore the takedown still works as well

This is interesting. I’ve checked your screenshot against what I have and it is pretty much the same.

Have you gone through the bar sensor to see if there are any issues there? Also, what happens if you remove the takedown and only perform interactions, basically reverting all changes.

Here is my Sensor Blueprints as well. I disconnected the sequence node and the take down node and it sort of works. It will sometimes stutter and take like 3 times of me pressing interact before it goes up or down. the take down still works in this regard but the lever is finicky.

Ok, you have it connected to triggered instead of started. This is why it is stuttering. You also have it duplicated, otherwise it would fire twice.

Alright ill look at it after work then give an update thanks for the help

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Wait can you point out which node is wrong in which blueprint and what to replace it with, these are the nodes before changing anything. Which part are you talking about when referencing I have it connected to triggered instead of started. Usually more of a visual/ hands-on learner so thanks for taking the time to write it out for me

Your original one was connected correctly. It was the one where you removed the takedown that was connected to triggered. This would be the IA_interact event

Ok I saw what you meant by triggered and started I switched it over and there’s no more stuttering but the lever just plays the sound effect and does not disable the sensor bars nor move up and down. Here is my lever logic and I showed my sensor bar logic above in this thread as well. I tried removing the takedown but the lever is still just playing the sound effect

Ok, at this point it would be easier if you sent your project. If you upload here:


Zip your entire project folder and upload that and I’ll take a look as soon as I can although it make take a few days. It is easier than trying to look at images.

Alright I just sent it through let me know if everything sent right once again really appreciate the help on this

Ok, I haven’t solved the issue but I can tell you the lever interact is triggering twice, although not from the robber side.
This is the most bizarre thing I’ve seen in a while. I’ll carry on digging but this is going to take a while

Update: You have two copies of the Interact event in the robber. This means it is triggering twice for the switch and resetting it back. It is slightly further up in the blueprint.

If you remove the upper one, it will work as expected. it only deals with BPI_Interact which is why the takedown works. Screenshot below.

Oh my gosh it was right in front of me ill make sure to give a more in-depth look next time thanks for all your help

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It took me about 30 minutes to track down. I added a load of print strings in and even stepped through the blueprint before I spotted the issue.

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