Levels 1 & 2. Level 2 has a teleporting wormhole!

Hi all,

Here are my first two levels. For level 1 I figured out how to get the camera to follow the rocket ship. For level 2 I added a wormhole that teleports you to the other side of the level. Thanks for watching!


Nice idea with the wormhole. You could potentially have more than one pair in a level, which would move the player to different zones, adding to part of the puzzle.

Thanks Rob. Great minds think alike. I was already thinking of maybe doing some future levels that are larger and require the player to figure out which wormholes to go through to get to the end. I’ve already updated the wormhole to include a teleport sound effect. Another thing I might add for future levels is solar wind. I’m thinking that going through the solar wind would disrupt the electronics in the ship and temporarily invert the rotation controls or add some random amplification until they clear it. Something like that anyway.

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Some great ideas there Brian, I will look forward to seeing further updates on your project :slight_smile:

One thought I had with regards to the wormholes was to perhaps have the pairs colour coded, this would give the play a bit of a chance to work out the pattern/order that they needed to go through them in order to complete the level, it would also allow you to put more than one in a zone (for want of a better word) to give the player choices.

Of course, this may also make it easier, but that could be compensated against by having a level timer, so whilst they sit there looking at the different coloured wormholes, the time is still ticking adding that bit of pressure for them to move.

Again, just some thoughts that crossed my mind after seeing your great idea - first time I believe I’ve seen this come up in the Project Boost course, so well done :slight_smile:

I like the teleportation element, nice jerb.

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