Lessons like this are what make this course worth it

i totally get the way this course is set up. we don’t write code as often and we get a good explanation of modules without going too much under the good. that being said for me personally its not a great way to learn. Im really playing with stuff to understand it more, which is fine, just less efficient. that’s a ME problem not really a course problem.

in this format, for me, lectures like this one are so good and so key to having a better understanding of intermediate level code. Sam does a great job of making the stuff more understandable. most of the lessons are very short and digestible. at first i thought the whole rick interjecting for better explanations was a bit unnecessary, but as we have gotten to stuff i didn’t have a good understanding of its been really great to hear things broken down and simplified through their dialogue.

GDTV really just knocks it out of the almost every time. well done once again gentleman.

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