Lesson's download still missing?

Right at the start there is mention of providing some “slash” sprite to add to the sword, but there is no download available for it (yet).
I grabbed the “Slash Effect.png” file from the gitlab commit for the lesson, but I don’t think everyone knows how to do that.

Also, it might be much easier for students if you could provide one archive at the start of the section which contains all asset files to be imported, perhaps with one sub-folder per lesson?

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It’s been fixed now… :slight_smile:

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@Nina Did you remove my marking the issue as solved? :thinking: Why that?
I added it back…

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Prolly because it wasn’t a problem, and not something to give yourself a solution

It also seems as if most of your solutions were you giving yourself a solution😐

Also, you didn’t provide what the solution was, you just said I fixed it

The issue was some resource that should have been available for download was missing on the lesson. With the downloads having been fixed, the issue was resolved for other students.
(For myself as an early adopter with a bit of experience, it was perhaps a bit of a nuisance but not too difficult to scrape it out of the lesson’s gitlab commit :wink: )

Since the thread wasn’t resolved already when the downloads had been fixed, I went through my postings to check on them and marked them as solved when they were.

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Sounds great, good job working this through.

@heckert, yes, I removed [Solved] because a solution was marked. Unlike the Q&A section on Udemy, this forum here is a real forum. People can filter for solved problems. [Solved] in front of the titles here in the forum makes the titles longer than needed. Ideally, the title should simply describe the problem in 1-5 words. That’ll make finding them easier.

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Alright, I just carried it over from when I did the 3D course on Udemy…

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