Lesson 166 - Fluffy Bunny - Brushed

It was great fun brushing my virtual bunny! I will add some whiskers later.

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Lesson 167 - Fluffy Bunny - Weight Painting

Ok, here is an updated version of the bunny after using weight painting and different hair types (white, brown, blond). The eyes got bigger and it has whiskers now. I am quite satisfied with its fur but the legs let it still look more like a toy bunny. Also the ears need some texture and maybe some subsurface scattering so you can see blood vessels. The nose also needs some painting.

For the body hair I am using following settings for each of the 3 types of hair:
Segments: 3 / Kink: Radial / 25 Children / Emission number: 1k / Cycles Hair Settings -> Thickness -> Root: 0.5 / Hair length: 0.3 BU (bunny’s size is 6.5x1.8x3.9 BU)
Each hair type is brushed differently and uses different random seed. I also use different hair settings for the head and the ears.


nice job on the whiskers, how’d you do it, make them bend?

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