Lesson 13 Rendered Well

Hi everyone! I’m new to these forums and to this course. I have some experience with 3D modeling/animation but it has been many years since I last touched any 3D software. I am also a newbie to Blender in general, so this is interesting stuff to get back into things.

That said, here are my renders for the well I created while following the lesson. I find it interesting that the Eevee render came out mostly looking better than the Cycles rendering. Must be my graphics card is not up to snuff (GTX 780, so a bit old) to make it look good enough. As you can see, there are a ton of little green pixels in it, compared to the Eevee-rendered one. Or maybe something else is wrong? I dunno.

In any case, it was fun to get back into modeling again. Looking forward to more! :slight_smile:


Great first model after long 3D break! :slight_smile:

GPU shouldn’t affect final output in cycles (it potentially might in Eevee as it’s rasterization engine). To reduce grain use AI denoising (e.g., Lesson 13 - first render comparison) or increase sample count (though, if it takes long - AI denoising should be enough unless you do some crazy stuff with refraction or volumetrics).

Welcome to the community!


Very good first well. Sorted out the edge tile width to fit and added a winding mechanism.

No nothing wrong. Cycles is better but slowwwweeerr.
They created Eevee to be fast and accept the compromises, for animators and games engine intended work.

As bOBaN explained there are ways to get the best from Cycles Both by way of lots more samples, a purist route, or the denoising ‘cheat’ that works very effectively at a tiny softening of the image sometimes, depends how low you let the samples go.


Eevee and Cycles are two completely different render engines. You can not really compare them. It’s more comparison in time and quality. Eevee is is build for speed (time). Cycle to be exact (more time (as in samples) the better the quality.


Thank you everyone for your feedback! bOBaN, in particular, thank you for that detailed info on denoising. That really helped a lot! :smiley:

Because of your feedback I went back in and played around with it some more, re-rendering the images after I also took the liberty to change/update a couple of the colors in the scene to make it look/feel more natural (the tiles and bricks in particular). That, combined with the added denoising to the Cycles rendering made it look much better I think. Cycles definitely looks better than Eevee, but you are right, NP5 and FedPete, it is waaayyyy slower than Eevee rendering. xD Haha… but it looks better as a result, so I guess it is worth the wait. :slight_smile:

In any case, here’s what I got this time around…

Updated Cycles Render (added in the denoising):

Eevee Render (just because it is good to see the comparison):

They both look much better now. Thank you all again for your feedback and help! :smiley:


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