Lesson 115 - Weird Post Render cropping

After using the render preview (Alt-B) I canceled out and now it seems to leave a very bizarre cropped view effect to the 3D view. Any idea how to clear this out? I tried quitting and re-opening but it remains there. I moved the camera and it seems unrelated. It seems to be somehow related to where I was when I applied the render preview box but I have no clue how to stop it even though the render preview box is gone (ctrl + alt + B). …help!

(Does the same thing in wireframe view)

Ok, sorry for the false alarm. I went into: View > Clipping Border, and that seemed to toggle it off. Well, if anyone else has this come up - that’s how to fix it!

Thanks @robosnacks, I did have the same problem. Panicked and reloaded a previous file. I know for next time!

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