Left Alt select question

Hey all, so i’ve made my pin and I like it a lot but I had a hell of a time getting the left alt to select horizontally instead of vertically. Every time I left alt clicked it did a verticle select. I had to click about 5 to 6 times before it would randomly, using the exact same buttons held down, do a horizontal selection. But the instructor was getting automatic horizontal on each click. What am I missing? Cheers all!

Yes, I guess you mean to select a loop.

You have to get used to the right place on the loop you want, if too close to another like a vertical loop it guesses you want that one. Has to be clicked on the loop line.


Thanks for that, I played around after reading this and realised I just needed to alt left click with faces turned on but click on the edge of the direction i wanted to go in. So on a square face click on the left/right edge for horizontal loop or top bottom edge for vertical loop. Cheers!

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