Ledge Advancement, and other problems

After the Third Person course, my way of escaping my issues was trying to improve the current Ledge system, so we can go right and left as well on any given ledge. To do so, I started by creating a new state, and after hours of try and error, eventually I realized it’s best done in the ‘PlayerHangingState.cs’ script itself, but my character still goes off the ledge to infinity, and he can literally still get attached to the air assuming it’s a ledge, if he starts moving left and right from the ledge itself (I cancelled the idea of another Player Ledge state because it was a nightmare to return to the hanging state from there). Where did I go wrong? Here is my current ‘PlayerHangingState.cs’ script:

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerHangingState : PlayerBaseState

    internal Vector3 closestPoint;   // closest point to hold on to, before falling
    internal Vector3 ledgeForward;   // direction of the ledge, so our player looks at it whilst climbing

    private readonly int HangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging");
    private const float CrossFadeDuration = 0.3f;

    public PlayerHangingState(PlayerStateMachine stateMachine, Vector3 ledgeForward, Vector3 closestPoint) : base(stateMachine)
    // public PlayerHangingState(PlayerStateMachine stateMachine, Vector3 closestPoint, Vector3 ledgeForward) : base(stateMachine)
        this.closestPoint = closestPoint;
        this.ledgeForward = ledgeForward;

    public override void Enter()
        stateMachine.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(ledgeForward, Vector3.up);
        // Disabling the character controller, prior to hanging (similar to what we did when pulling our player up, when he detected a ledge)
        // because the math won't work before deactivating the CharacterController:
        stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = false;

        // moving the player when hanging:
        stateMachine.transform.position = closestPoint - (stateMachine.LedgeDetector.transform.position - stateMachine.transform.position);

        // Enabling the character controller again (we are done with the mathematical formula):
        stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = true;

        stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(HangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);

    public override void Tick(float deltaTime)
        // if you press 'w' while hanging, climb whatever surface you're trying to climb:
        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.y > 0f) {
            // move and resetting force done in 'PlayerPullupState.cs', since we need to finish off the animation first
            stateMachine.SwitchState(new PlayerPullupState(stateMachine));

        // (TEST: Delete if failed): if you press the 'a' or 'd' key to move sideways whilst hanging, do so (by switching to the new 'PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging.cs' State):
        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x > 0f || stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x < 0f) {
            // stateMachine.SwitchState(new PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging(stateMachine, ledgeForward, closestPoint));

        // if you press 's' while hanging, just fall:
        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.y < 0f) {
            stateMachine.SwitchState(new PlayerFallingState(stateMachine));

    public override void Exit() {}

    private readonly Vector3 Offset = new Vector3(2, 0, 0);

    private readonly int SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Right");
    private readonly int SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Left");
    // private const float CrossFadeDuration = 0.3f;

    public void CheckRightOrLeft() {

        // If you go right:
        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x > 0f)
            // Play the 'going right' animation:
            stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);
            // If you're not done yet with the animation, don't proceed:
            if (GetNormalizedTime(stateMachine.Animator, "HangingMoveRight") < 1f) return;
            // When you're done, disable the controller, move a few steps right, and then enable the controller:
            stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = false;
            stateMachine.transform.Translate(Offset, Space.Self);
            stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = true;

        // If you go left:
        else if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x < 0f)
            // Play the 'going left' animation:
            stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);
            // If you're not done yet with the animation, don't proceed:
            if (GetNormalizedTime(stateMachine.Animator, "HangingMoveLeft") < 1f) return;
            // When you're done, disable the controller, move a few steps left, and then enable the controller:
            stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = false;
            stateMachine.transform.Translate(-Offset, Space.Self);
            stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = true;



My alternative (and original) approach to solving the ledge sideways issue, was to create a seperate State Machine script (and I would love to fix that one instead, because it’s easier to debug in the future), and access that instead. If it helps, here’s my attempted ‘PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging.cs’ script (SCROLL RIGHT AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FOLLOWING SCRIPT):

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging : PlayerBaseState

    private Vector3 closestPoint;
    private Vector3 ledgeForward;
    private readonly Vector3 Offset = new Vector3(2,0,0);

    private readonly int SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Right");
    private readonly int SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Left");
    private const float CrossFadeDuration = 0.3f;

    public PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging(PlayerStateMachine stateMachine, Vector3 ledgeForward, Vector3 closestPoint) : base(stateMachine) {
        this.closestPoint = closestPoint;
        this.ledgeForward = ledgeForward;

    public override void Enter() 

    public void CheckRightOrLeft() {
        // If you go right:
        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x > 0f) {
            // Play the 'going right' animation:
            stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);
            // If you're not done yet with the animation, don't proceed:
            if (GetNormalizedTime(stateMachine.Animator, "HangingMoveRight") < 1f) return;
            // When you're done, disable the controller, move a few steps right, and then enable the controller:
            stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = false;
            stateMachine.transform.Translate(Offset, Space.Self);
            stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = true;

        // If you go left:
        else if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x < 0f) {
            // Play the 'going left' animation:
            stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);
            // If you're not done yet with the animation, don't proceed:
            if (GetNormalizedTime(stateMachine.Animator, "HangingMoveLeft") < 1f) return;
            // When you're done, disable the controller, move a few steps left, and then enable the controller:
            stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = false;
            stateMachine.transform.Translate(-Offset, Space.Self);
            stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = true;

        stateMachine.SwitchState(new PlayerHangingState(stateMachine, ledgeForward, closestPoint)); // this line isn't working, not in enter, neither in exit (putting this in tick is a nightmare) and it's my nightmare right now


    public override void Tick(float deltaTime) {}

    public override void Exit() {}


and obviously, don’t forget to add this line in ‘PlayerHangingState.Tick()’ (for the “alternative” approach in this post):

if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x > 0f || stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x < 0f) {
            stateMachine.SwitchState(new PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging(stateMachine, ledgeForward, closestPoint));

The only problem that approach has, is that it doesn’t access any state once the animation is played, hence why I coded the entire thing in one script instead

I will also write down over here the problems I still have with my current 3rd person project (I want to fix these before importing it into the RPG Course), which I’m hoping we can work on one by one (I copied these off my own Udemy questions):

  1. I can’t strike my enemy for some reason (i.e: I can’t deal damage), although my weapon has a box collider on it

  2. Any target I have, miraculously, instantiates an “Impact” effect after my player performs a combo attack on that target (somehow, I got an impact strike back from a static cube (after a combo attack), let alone my AI enemies)

  3. the first 2 states of my combo attack deal absolutely no damage, and the third one outputs only a damage value of 10 (I had to turn off the enemy’s weapon box collider to see this work), regardless of what value I throw into it… This was a past value, and now it deals absolutely no damage

  4. When we mix the projects up, we will use the death animations, right? I don’t want Ragdolls in, since it’s just more trouble than help right now

Here is a post where Maezumo added side to side movement to the climbing state. It looks pretty good. I have not added it to my game yet, but this is what I am going to use as a start. Hope it helps.


hey edc, great to hear from you again. I’ll give this a go and let’s see what happens :slight_smile: (so that hopefully when Brian returns, we can fix the seriously annoying issues)

Edit: Ahh… this is going to take quite a while, but let’s see if I can work something out before Brian sees this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (the main issue I currently have is that after the first attempt of swinging sideways on the ledge, the second one onwards does the translation first, before the animation, and the third one onwards? You’d be lucky if you got just one translation, not 5 or 6 of them, before you play the animation, and it gets worse the more you try… the only way to fix it, is to turn around with your ledge motion, and the added up results can obviously be disastrous. For example):

I’d have loved to be able to add the translation straight from the baked-in values of the animation, since I have baked-in values, but so far I don’t know how to do so (and now that I think of it, I’m guessing that if there were more vertical barriers, the Course code would struggle to deal with it)

Apart from that:

  1. Switching from right to left does the exact same thing. First one? it’s fine. Second one? Not so fine anymore…
  2. You have to let go of the button before the animation plays. This is one of the rare cases where I want to play the animation when the keydown is selected, regardless of whether you let go or not, but since we are dealing with MovementValue.x/MovementValue.y, not MonoBehaviour-inherited functions, I have absolutely no idea how to deal with that

ONE problem per post, please. Make new posts for additional problems. The one I will address (which I have addressed for you before is this:

YOU can choose to use the Ragdoll or to CrossFadeInFixedTime to a death animation. You can do that now in the 3rd person course if you wish, or when you blend them.

public void CheckRightOrLeft() {

    // If you go right:
    if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x > 0f)
        // Play the 'going right' animation:
        stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);
        // If you're not done yet with the animation, don't proceed:
        if (GetNormalizedTime(stateMachine.Animator, "HangingMoveRight") < 1f) return;
        // When you're done, disable the controller, move a few steps right, and then enable the controller:
        stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = false;
        stateMachine.transform.Translate(Offset, Space.Self);
        stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = true;

I think the problem is in this logic here. Once you’ve started the animation, you keep calling it again as long as the player still has the button pressed., at no point will GetNormalizedTime(animator, “HangingMoveLeft”) be greater than 1 because the preceding line will always change it to zero immediately before you call it.

You need a new state for climbing left or right…

This new state will need to:

  • Get an input to know that this was left or right and set the offset to be (2,0,0) if it’s right, and (-2,0,0) if it’s left. (Hint: With a bool, you can start with the value for right, and multiply it by -1 if it’s left on the next line. This should be done in the new State’s constructor.
  • Crossfade the animation in the Enter() method
  • In Tick, check to see if CrossFadeInFixedTime() is less than 1 and exit if it isn’t
  • In Tick, once that check is passed, do your translate above (controller enabled=false, translate, enabled=true)
  • Still in that once the check has passed state, switch states back to PlayerHanging State.

Apologies Brian, I just didn’t want to bombard you with a ton of notifications all at once. By all means, I’ll write the issues one by one moving forward (I’ll update you as soon as I have a chance)

As for whether to setup the cross fading now or when we blend it, I think it’s best done now, because blending will be a nightmare in and of itself, may as well just reduce the load and get rid of that issue now

I would prefer multiple notifications over trying to untangle 5 things at once in the same topic…
All of that being said, best practice is to actually work on one problem at a time. Why? If you go back through our interactions, whether the multiple problems to solve at once were in one topic or 5, trying to debug 5 different things at once carries the risk (and it happened a few times!) that we could be fixing one thing in one topic and in real time breaking it in another. Trying to fix all the problems at once may look more efficient, but in my 40+ years of code, it almost always makes things worse.

OK I gave this challenge a go, and here is what I managed to code:

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging : PlayerBaseState {

    private Vector3 Offset;

    private Vector3 ledgeForward;
    private Vector3 closestPoint;

    private readonly int SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Right");
    private readonly int SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Left");

    private const float CrossFadeDuration = 0.3f;

    public PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging(PlayerStateMachine stateMachine, Vector3 ledgeForward, Vector3 closestPoint) : base(stateMachine) {

        this.ledgeForward = ledgeForward;
        this.closestPoint = closestPoint;

        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x > 0f) {
            Offset = new Vector3(2,0,0);

        else if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x < 0f) {
            Offset = new Vector3(-2,0,0);


    public override void Enter() {

        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x > 0f) {
        stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);

        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x < 0f) {
            stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);


    public override void Tick(float deltaTime) {

        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x > 0f) {
        if (GetNormalizedTime(stateMachine.Animator, "HangingMoveRight") < 1f) return;

        if (stateMachine.InputReader.MovementValue.x < 0f) {
            if (GetNormalizedTime(stateMachine.Animator, "HangingMoveLeft") < 1f) return;

        stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = false;
        stateMachine.transform.Translate(Offset, Space.Self);
        stateMachine.CharacterController.enabled = true;

        stateMachine.SwitchState(new PlayerHangingState(stateMachine, ledgeForward, closestPoint));


    public override void Exit() {}


However, whilst the animation works as expected (although I need to hold the button, I’m still not sure if this mechanic feels better, or one click and letting go is better), the translate still shifts the player back once the animation is done, effectively not translating his position at all (so he’s just playing the animation now, and not moving as expected). Everything else works fine, except that issue

Fair enough, I’ll create 4 other topics :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: - this one can deal with the ledge issue

I also created 3 different questions for the 3 other issues I got in this course, yet to resolve

I would pass a bool to indicate left or right in the constructor, as the InputReader could possibly have changed. At the point that we enter PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging, the InputReader should be ignored completely.

Once again, passing a bool and setting it in the constructor to remember will make this much easier

As above, but I’m noticing a serious problem in all four cases… In the first two cases, it’s likely that the input reader will still be the same as when you called it, but what happens in Tick() if I switch to the other direction? Setting a bool at the beginning prevents this problem.

In terms of the movement… It might be better to strip the physical movement from the left and right animation so that they are “in place”. Refer to the lecture on Jumping, where Nathan strips the movement from these animations. Then instead of this translating, you can instead call CharacterController.Move() with the appropriate direction multiplied by the time.

Here’s what I came up with, starting with your class. This assumes that the animation is fixed to be in place, and that it’s set to loop.

using UnityEngine;

namespace StateMachines.Player
    public class PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHangingState : PlayerBaseState
        private float movementSpeed = 2f;
        private bool isRight;
        private Vector3 movementVector;
        private readonly int SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Right");
        private readonly int SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Left");

        private const float CrossFadeDuration = 0.3f;
        private float targetMovementAmount = 2.0f;
        private float amountMoved = 0;
        //ledgeforward and closest point to center are not needed.  We are already facing the correct direction and
        //when we switch back to PlayerHangingState, we will pass our transform information instead.
        public PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHangingState(PlayerStateMachine stateMachine,  bool isRight ) : base(stateMachine)
            this.isRight = isRight;
            movementVector = isRight ? Vector3.right : -Vector3.right; //Always use normalized vector.
            movementVector = stateMachine.transform.TransformVector(movementVector).normalized; //convert to world space

        public override void Enter()
            stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(isRight ? SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash : SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);

        public override void Tick(float deltaTime)
            float movementAmountThisFrame = deltaTime * movementSpeed;
            amountMoved += movementAmountThisFrame;
            stateMachine.Controller.Move(movementVector * movementAmountThisFrame);
            if (amountMoved >= targetMovementAmount)
                stateMachine.SwitchState(new PlayerHangingState(stateMachine, stateMachine.transform.forward, stateMachine.transform.position));

        public override void Exit()

There’s still one more major issue to solve (and I know what to do, but it’s well past bedtime)…
If your move is too far off of the collider, when you end the move you’ll be hanging out in mid air.

Here’s the broad stroke:

  • You need an event in LedgeDetector that is fired in OnTriggerExit, but only when a Player exits.
  • This class will need to subscribe to that event in Enter and unsubscribe from it in Exit
  • The handler in this class you create to handle the event from LedgeDetector that the player has left the ledge needs to switch to a new PlayerFallingState(stateMachine);

I’ll check this when I’m home (I’m 1,000 kilometers away right now…, in a different country :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ). Will update this comment in a few hours when I gave it a try :slight_smile:

Ahh, the y values for the provided code are a total mess, as everytime my player moves, his y values go down (until he literally goes underground :sweat_smile:). I’ll spend a little more time to test it and see what other issues exist

Um… there are no Y values in the provided code…
Vector3.right is (1,0,0).
StateMachine.transform.TransformVector should turn that into a Vector that has X and Z components to move along the X and Z axis (unless the player’s transform is somehow angled so that transform.forward is not X,0,Z??)
Calling the CharacterController.Move() instead of Move should rule out any gravity changes…

Ok, to make absolutely certain you don’t move in the Y…

        public PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHangingState(PlayerStateMachine stateMachine,  bool isRight ) : base(stateMachine)
            this.isRight = isRight;
            movementVector = isRight ? Vector3.right : -Vector3.right; //Always use normalized vector.
            movementVector = stateMachine.transform.TransformVector(movementVector).normalized; //convert to world space
            movementVector.y = 0; 
            Debug.Log($"Adjusted Movement Vector = {movementVector}");

Apologies, I meant the Z-axis not the Y-axis. As you can see here, this quickly turned into chaos, as the Z-value quickly took my player underground (he started at the ledge, and each time I move him right, he literally takes a step to the mighty underground):

And unfortunately, pressing both right and left takes him -1 steps to the right, even the left button sends him going right somehow (I’m guessing it has to do with the challenge. I didn’t get a chance to try it out yet)

Are you calling Move() or stateMachine.Controller.Move()? The 1st one that we use for most other classes adds gravity. We don’t want that.
Otherwise, I can’t see how an adjusted move Vector with only motion in the Zed axis would move the Y axis… (0,0,1) * (2 * .0009 [guessing at deltaTime]) == (0,0,.0018f), no motion in the Y, just the Zed. You can log that calculation out just before the move statement:

Debug.Log($"{movementVector} * ({movementSpeed} * {deltaTime}) = {movementVector * (movementSpeed * deltaTime)}");

I’m calling stateMachine.Controller.Move()

I did the logging, and the math seems to be adding up to exactly what you said. Here’s one example (there’s like 293 lines of the same thing per click, so I picked one at random):

Calculating Movement Vector: (0.00, 0.00, -1.00) * (2 * 0.0035064) = (0.00, 0.00, -0.01)
UnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging:Tick (single) (at Assets/Scripts/StateMachines/Player/PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging.cs:95)
StateMachine:Update () (at Assets/Scripts/StateMachines/StateMachine.cs:25)

And here is my ‘PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging.cs’ script, if it helps in anyway:

using UnityEngine;

public class PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging : PlayerBaseState {

    private float movementSpeed = 2.0f;
    private bool isRight;

    private Vector3 movementVector;
    private readonly int SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Right");
    private readonly int SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash = Animator.StringToHash("Hanging Move Left");

    private const float CrossFadeDuration = 0.3f;
    private float targetMovementAmount = 2.0f;
    private float amountMoved = 0f;

    public PlayerMoveSidewaysWhileHanging(PlayerStateMachine stateMachine, bool isRight) : base(stateMachine) {

        // Setting 'isRight', the boolean we will be using to limit issues in 'Tick()' later on:
        this.isRight = isRight;
        // movement Vector, normalized
        movementVector = isRight ? Vector3.right : -Vector3.right;
        // Converting the movement Vector to a world space
        movementVector = stateMachine.transform.TransformVector(movementVector).normalized;
        // freeze the y-axis motion during the animation:
        movementVector.y = 0;
        // Debugger, to ensure nothing stupid is happening:
        Debug.Log($"Adjusted Movement Vector = {movementVector}");


    public override void Enter() {
        // based on the boolean setup in the base stateMachine, 'isRight', the following line plays the animation based on the direction given:
        stateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(isRight ? SidewaysRightWhileHangingHash : SidewaysLeftWhileHangingHash, CrossFadeDuration);

    public override void Tick(float deltaTime)
        float movementAmountThisFrame = deltaTime * movementSpeed;
        amountMoved += movementAmountThisFrame;
        Debug.Log($"Calculating Movement Vector: {movementVector} * ({movementSpeed} * {deltaTime}) = {movementVector * (movementSpeed * deltaTime)}");
        stateMachine.CharacterController.Move(movementVector * movementAmountThisFrame);

        if (amountMoved >= targetMovementAmount) {
            stateMachine.SwitchState(new PlayerHangingState(stateMachine, stateMachine.transform.forward, stateMachine.transform.position));

    public override void Exit() {}


So… you’re moving only along the zed axis, not along the y axis, but still falling???
Do you have some other component you didn’t tell me about? A Rigidbody that’s not kinematic?

Something isn’t adding up, but I don’t know what.

None that I know of unfortunately. My Rigidbody on my player is set to kinematic (and gravity is off), and there’s only one on him (he also had a capsule collider on him, but after you mentioned that the character controller is registered as one, I deleted it… Still didn’t help though)

A little bit of update regarding the whole ‘y’ movement thing… I think the issue has to do with the center of mass of the player. If we go to the animation itself, these are my settings:

If we change the ‘Root Transform Rotation (Y)’ 's 'Based Upon (at Start) to center of mass (right now it’s at ‘original’), the entire character comes down vertically, which is probably why the ‘y’ value is shifting as well at the end of the animation. I’m not entirely sure, I’m just guessing this is the problem. Is there anyway we can freeze the y value for these animations if we need to?

Yes, the same way Nathan freezes the Y in the Jump animations (see the Jump lectures). Copy the animation from within the FBX so it’s out of the FBX, then in the animation set the root bone’s transform changes to be zero from start to finish.

That would work if the problem was during the animation itself… The issue is, the y-value change occurs right AFTER the animation is done

Which makes no sense… If the transform values are zeroed out, they are zeroed out.

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