I understand that we should be comfortable in looking through the source code of Unreal, but watching someone quickly flick through files for 12 minutes doesn’t really teach anything. The speed at which we rattled through things felt like it was too fast for me to take anything in, while the manner in which we kept hitting dead ends in the engine code then explorer other avenues made everything feel labourious. As a result, I don’t really feel as though I can tackle the challenge in this video as I’m not even really sure what it’s asking?
To be honest, I’ve really struggled since Sam took over. It may be because of the topics of the lectures (deviating away from C++ and delving more into the unfamiliar realms of Animation), but I do also feel that Ben has a better awareness of the audience. Even the hard challenges were Ben set were clearly defined, and I felt that I could overcome them, whereas the last few challenges from Sam have felt borderline impossible.
Anyway, this is of course just my point of view, and I may be the only one that feels this way. I’ll rewatch the videoes again, do some outside reading, soldier on with the course, and just hope that it all comes together eventually!