Lecture 90 - Event Graph Issue


I’ve changed my project up a bit by adding another trigger volume giving me two trigger volumes, one for each of the two doors. When I enter the each of the trigger volumes the door opening animation plays correctly on the door assigned so all good there. The problem is the Event Graph does not show the OnOpen event triggering when I enter ‘TriggerVolume2’ even though the animation plays correctly. Am I missing something or is this a Unreal glitch?

Here’s a link to a video demonstrating the problem since I am unable to upload as a new user.


from a cursory glance, it looks like you’ve got the event graph open for the first door rather than the second door. Can you open up the graph for the second door?

Ah rookie error Bryant. Thanks for pointing that out!

I thought since it was a single BP being used it didn’t matter if I opened a specific BP in the world outliner or the BP in the content folder.


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Actually, Rafael, that distinction (between the content folder and the world outline) is extremely crucial for involved games. Editting the BP in the content folder edits the default version of the blueprint. In other words, it’s like changing the mold–everything you build with it afterward will have those changes.

Whereas editting the BP in the world outliner (which is actually called an instance of the BP) edits that specific blueprint, which only changes that specific asset.

Think of it this way: If it were a car, changing the blueprint would change how every car works when it comes out of the factory. Chaning an instance, is like adding a new engine or paint or tinted windows to a car that already came out–it won’t effect how future cars are made, it just makes that specific car shinier and different.

That’s also why it matters when you’re looking at graphs in the outliner vs. graphs from the content folder. The content folder shows you default behavior, where as when you look at one in the outliner, it’s showing you how that specific instance is functioning.

Hope that helps clarify anything for you! :slight_smile:

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Sorry I can not understand. when I change something for one door_BP the changing is appeared also another door_BP. it seems that this two door_BP is the same.
I want doors opened different angle and if it 's right what you say I do my it easy
please can you help me?

Hi there, maybe @DanM could start by giving you a pointer?

Yes Dan helped me

Awesome, thanks for letting me know.

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