Lecture 29 - Making walls - Deleting faces - back faces and edges not deleted

Hello there,
in Lecture 29 - Making walls, deleting the faces as shown in the videos only removes the side faces, but the back faces remain. After deleting them, the edges are still there.

I’d love to hear back why this is. @Grant_Abbitt or another learner. :slight_smile:

Image: left) Video vs right) my result

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Works now. I deleted the plane and started over.
Any suggestions why the issue happened in the first place?

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The most common error for students is the extrusion command.

If you press e to extrude, the extrusion already took place and Blender is automatically waiting for the user to move the extruded part. If you don’t do that or cancel the action (ESC), then you have vertex duplication and problems ahead.


Makes sense.

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