Learn to code by making games vs Complete unity developer 2.0!

Hey Guys!

I have recently bought “learn to code by making games” while it was on sale and I am loving it! It has gotten me obsessed with coding and i have been learning tons! Recently while going to watch some more videos on the course I found another class by the same maker “Complete unity Developer 2.0.” I have gotten a little bit scared because I am thinking I bought the wrong course… :confused:

Now should I buy the newer course since it is involved with the new unity or keep on going with the old course?

Thanks in advance guys!

I did exactly the same thing! Rather annoyed by it and would be keen to hear from @ben with regard to this issue. Sale lasts only another 22 hours!

(Also looking at the Blender course)

Many thanks,


Edit: Happy to buy both if there is value having the 2017 course as I’m currently using the VS 2017 anyway.

The Unity v2.0 course is an updated course, Unity v1.0 was the first course made by the team and so the teaching methods in the newer course will be improved but the subjects will remain the same. It will be in newer versions of unity but it will still remain beginner level course. It will still be worth the merit in getting as its different games so different ways of using the learning. Click here for the course link :- https://www.udemy.com/unitycourse2/ (Coupons may cause prices to vary)

I can highly recommend the blender course but i am bias as the student instructor but also you might want to look at the character creation course as well.

Hope this helps

Cheers @Marc_Carlyon!

I bought both regardless as I think it will be worth it for the diversity and practise alone.


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The 2.0 course has the same goals, however is completely different game projects. We also use Unity 2017 in the new course, exploring its new tools such as TileMap and Timeline.

Both courses work together, so feel free to move between the two courses as your interest in the projects take you. The important thing is to keep moving forward.

Sorry about the super slow reply!

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