Layout complete

Getting used to a new program of this caliber is challenging and fun. Completed this challenge and am really looking forward to getting into more in-depth stuff to learning this software and getting back into modeling and animation. This challenge does help to get some basics down on the UI and layouts. Good starting point. So far this course is proving to be quite helpful.

I love how they really go into depth with all of this, something you just cannot get from youtube videos, where the creator just assumes you to know these things or work it out on your own.

I have to agree Nick, I have looked at many other tuts around the web and even on blender site before stumbling across this course and most I have seen seem more of people showing off skills than teaching; too fast, no, or vague explanations, etc. This is a good teaching course. hands down, the best I’ve come across so far. If you find anymore good tutorials out there let me know and others here as well. Good training is key to success. I’ll be scouring the web for more great resources as well.

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