Layout and blender 2.80

Trying to complete this section with the brand new blender 2.8. I have no prior blender experience but it all starts to make sense :smile: Thanks!

Hey, ive just started the course and didnt know whether to use blender 2.8 or not, since some things will be different from the course like shortcuts etc.

Can you tell me what your current experience is with it, such as is it just abit of research to check the changes from the lecture, or do you feel its too different and better to use use blender 2.79?

Jo Lance, Right now I’m at lesson 10 and it’s definitely doable to find my way around blender 2.8 with this course. Some things are just a little bit different but nothing too complicated. Some menu items moved from file to edit and there are some other minor changes. I would definitely recommend using blender 2.8, or to say it in another way, I am happy I chose blender 2.8 ^^ I’m confident that I will keep feeling that way.
Good luck!

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