Latest Updates With RPG Course

We’ll update this post from time to time as the course changes. What’s the status right now?..

  1. We have finished prototyping all features in our project
  2. Sam and Rick are re-recording Part 1 using Unity 2018.3
  3. If you are already midway through the course, keep going - you can pick and choose which of the new videos to watch
  4. Part 1 and Part 2 will still be separate. We’ll be completing Part 1 as quickly as we can and then diving into the newer content in Part 2 asap.

Awesome! I made it about halfway through the original course, but decided it’d be fun to take what I learned and start again from the beginning with the new content. Thank you guys so much for updating it!

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Parts 1 and 2 are different courses?
Or are they just imaginary meta sections of the course?

Hoping to get the next sections soon, dont want to lose my flow :D, hopefully part 2 will be finished before i finish this as well. Great course guys.

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Part 1 and Part 2 will be different courses. Part 1 covers core combat and a handful of other things, Part 2 will cover inventory, dialogue, quests, etc.

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Just finished the new fresh classes and looking forward to the new ones!
Great lectures so far! Great work guys :slight_smile:

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Sam and Rick I want to say what an epic level improvement to the original course, I cant wait for the new parts to come out… they are incredibly moreish and addictive…

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please add some new content such as inventory system - quest and the other things that every rpg game has.

@ali_MV They have talked about adding those sorts of things, maybe not all in part 1… but there is also going to be a part 2 for more things

Am loving the new course! Looking forward to more videos!

Was the expectation that you guys would be uploading new videos almost daily, or that you’d be creating them and uploading them every few weeks or something?

@RayHawk, they do do a quality control on them, so not only do they have to record them, someone reviews them, if issues are found, maybe they even have to rerecord it and go round that whole thing again.

It is hard, I too am eagerly waiting the next ones. its not even like udemy goes “hey, they added some videos” even youtube can do that.


I’m loving the new content! Very polished! I’m excited to dive deeper with what I learned in the past year to great an even better RPG!

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I don’t know if I like the deletion of the old material. If you have some agreement with Ben about it, or something, I guess you gotta do what you gotta do, but…

Information is power, even misinformation. The whole of the Universe was created using the mistake as a tool. Something said two ways creates some different ideas, and hearing the same, but different, thing twice is useful.

I’d still like to have it.

@Dustin_Crider, they havent deleted it yet, I would imagine they would archive it.

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what does this mean going forward when Part two of the course is released. Asking for the case were an individual completed Part 1 of the course entirely with old content and has not had a look at new content in part 1.
Code wise at that point, I assume some classes , functionality and refactored code would mean the person who completed with old content is out of luck? and they have to start part 1 again with the new code?

Looking forward to it! Finished the first course, almost finished the updated sections. Itching for the rest. :slight_smile:

You could watch it, and adapt your code to get to the same place.

Thanks for the discussion everyone.

To be clear, you will always have access to the original content - it wont be deleted, it will just be moved to an archive course which all RPG students get access to.

In terms of uploading, we aim to be hitting a video a day, even if that means there are some days with none and some days with 3. The comments about us doing pretty tight QA is correct - if we find an issue in a video we usually stop the press and address that issue before moving on.


i did the exact same thing i didn’t erase any of my original work until most of the way through the new section. sadly i feel stumped as the old content might cause me some issues if it is again not compatible with the new in such a way where i need to either erase or backtrack

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