Laser-Defender Quick video demo

Quick Video Demo of my Laser Defender Prototype, I made a few creational additions from the course, as listed below (or just skip to the video at the bottom :slight_smile: )

• Changed the ship fire sequence from a coroutine to a hold button down method
• Ship can be controlled and fired from mouse or keyboard
• Edited the starfield background to make it more colourful. It’s used in the main game loop.
• Added a 3 lives Hud which would remove a ship life icon instead of counting down player health
• When new player ship spawns, player has a few seconds to move ship before it can be hit , indicated by its flashing.
• Added a particle Emitter for the Player Ship explosion and the new life ship won’t spawn until the sound effect has finished playing
• Added a Sound Manager and Player which would automatically play a looping track depending on the scene loaded. The Sound Manager uses a List collection type to reference all the Audio clips used in the game.
• Added a colour text flash method to make text strobe between two colours, used on the start and end game scenes


Congrats on your demo! :partying_face:

Great demo, the sound fx gave me some good 80’s arcade vibes.

Thanks. Yes I was going for a Galaxian’s Vibe.

We would love to play, If you would share the link.

I would like to have shared, but cant get it uploaded to the ShareMyGame website.
I’ve wasted over an hour trying to get it to accept the upload and have given up now as it just comes up with the most stupid errors that mean nothing and that is after reviewing their videos on how to disable compression from within the build. My Unity version is 2020.1.3f1

I used to have my own website for this sort of thing and I never had any issues uploading Unity WebGL to it , I’m going to see if I can subscribe to a free host and put it there. I’ll post on here if I sort something out.

If GameDevTV are serious on wanting students to share their projects then they need to have a rethink on what they are doing in this area as there is no point having a upload platform that is this obstinate to use.

I recommend It’s worked great for me for years

Thanks for the Tip, its an a interesting website and have joined.

Have now converted the project to a 2019 version of unity which seems to work better then the 2020 version I was using.

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