I spent two weeks after finishing this course segment adding a plethora of features that I thought would be fun to add. It was really good practice to try to think how to implement them and I feel it really helped me ingrain what I learned, as well as learning some new things. It’s probably not the most optimized and might be rough in the areas, but I’m really happy with how it turned out.
Let me know what you think or if you have any questions.
Features Added:
- Mouse movement
- Asteroids (with randomized rotation/speeds)
- Power Ups (Shield [Timed], Health, Bombs, Multi-Ships, Double Shot [Timed], and Spreadshot [Timed])
- Majorly upgraded the enemy spawning system to allow multiple randomized waves on timers
- Added a mini-boss and boss
- Made the game finishable (1 level)