Laser Defender ala Mudge

Laser Defender ala Mudge

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Looks nice, keep going at it.

Are you doing the 2d course?

This reminds me of the first game I made, using C++ builder while studying. Should have kept at it :frowning:

Nice quick-paced and free-flowing game!

I think the screen is set to 16:9 rather than 9:16 - the player ship can move into the blue space at the sides.

When you die, the health display goes into minus figures (a simple if health <= 0 then set health to 0 line of code will sort this out)

Nice implementation of the health bar - you should be able to turn the slider off, or as a bit of a hack, at least make it invisible (either remove the slider sprite or set to transparent) and just display the health bar itself.

Nice work!

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