Landscape flat painted

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Here’s mine:

me too!

only 500m x 500m but feels sizeable enough on the ground

I felt a tron vibe…


hahaha that’s amazing, the sky is beautiful too!

did you achieve them with the built-in tools?

Absolutely! I made a grid texture in gimp, put both the text samples into the landscape material and wired them up through the layers to emissive. The sky was just the default skybox with the sun at a sideways angle and the star brightness cranked right up!

Here’s the silly looking pink tank firing a goofy shell after lecture 141…

You seem to be zooming through the lessons so quickly !
Thanks for posting your artistic twist, it’s motivating to see your results. Especially since these BP to C++ to BP to reparenting to Casting to Pawn Auto Possess AI settings etc lessons that are quite befuddling to me.


Messed around with some texture blending. Doesn’t look like much far away. But up close:


That looks sweet

Here’s my landscape. Pretty usual, except I’m not quite sure it’s Earth :slight_smile:

Here’s a couple of pics of my painted landscapes. Yes I know my mountains look like chocolate. But that’s what happens when you get the colour blind man do the artsy stuff!!!

Also, do you guys/gals know if we get to learn how to do some water volumes later in the course?

@Plutarch360 In all honesty that looks great actually. We have mountains here that are covered in dark soil which is that color. The shininess of the mountains is dealt with later so I’ll leave that as part of your learning journey.

However, as for your question on water volumes. I have yet to see it covered, but as I did above with texturing. I would recommend experimentation and sharing. Nothing stops you from pausing, committing your work and messing with it. Try googling how to add water bodies to your map, make a little lake and do share if you get it right or even if you don’t :slight_smile:

Oooo, I like your challenge. I might wait though, until I finish the Battle Tank section. I find that if I distract myself with the look of the map, I could spend hours just trying to ‘get it right’. That’s what happened when I was doing the Escape Room. I was trying too hard to get the room looking right, I had forgotten that it wasn’t even playable yet.

After I have finishes this section, i’ll see what I can dig up and implement. I’ll like and share what I find in the forums. I think learning how to have water is important for modern day games.

The landscape I created.

Jumped ahead a bit and used materials.

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