Did you make any other changes? Because I tested it with what you gave me and it works as expected.
I know that one I gave you was working correctly.
I did not use GetSafeNormal with Direction.
But I made some changes in the function of ReGuidingMissile that shown in code above. The main change was by adding GetSafeNormal and unfortunately it made illogical behavior.
I was asking if you had made any other changes to the code. Because I had applied the changes you gave in that post and it worked fine.
With that said I suspect you are using Visual Studio 16.3 which has code gen bugs which will effect GetSafeNormal
. You need to update Visual Studio.
Ohh !! I remembered, yes i made some changes
Original Code before changes was:
void AMissileActor::ReGuidingMissile()
if(!FrontPartOfMissile) return;
if(LauncherPlayerController->Hit.GetActor() != this)
FVector TargetLocation = LauncherPlayerController->Hit.Location;
auto MissileLocation = FrontPartOfMissile->GetComponentLocation();
auto DeltaRotation = (TargetLocation - MissileLocation).Rotation();
if(FMath::Abs(DeltaRotation.Yaw) <= MaxAngleOfMissileRotation && FMath::Abs(DeltaRotation.Pitch) <= MaxAngleOfMissileRotation)
FrontPartOfMissile->SetWorldRotation( DeltaRotation );
The new code is:
void AMissileActor::ReGuidingMissile(float DeltaTime)
if(LauncherPlayerController->Hit.GetActor() != this)
FVector TargetLocation = LauncherPlayerController->Hit.Location;
FVector MissileLocation = FrontPartOfMissile->GetComponentLocation();
// GetSafeNormal has been used here to get the direction..
auto Direction = (TargetLocation - MissileLocation).GetSafeNormal();
FRotator TargetDirectionRotation = Direction.Rotation();
FRotator MissileForwardRotation = FrontPartOfMissile->GetForwardVector().Rotation();
FRotator DeltaRotation = (TargetDirectionRotation - MissileForwardRotation);
if(FMath::Abs(DeltaRotation.Yaw) <= DirectionChangingMaxAngle && FMath::Abs(DeltaRotation.Pitch) <= DirectionChangingMaxAngle){
FRotator MissileNewRotation = FrontPartOfMissile->GetComponentRotation() + (DeltaRotation * DeltaTime * FMath::Clamp<float>(DirectionChangingSpeed, 1, 6));
FrontPartOfMissile->SetWorldRotation( MissileNewRotation );
That’s right the version i had was 16.3.6 so i updated that to the latest one …
The missile are working correctly now after this updating Thanks @DanM
On the same context, i am using tanks and turrets and barrels that should aim to my pawn but there is an error in that… [ Look to my video ] please
The code based on that problem is:
void UAimingActorComponent::AimToMainPlayer(float DeltaTime)
FVector TargetLocation = GetWorld()->GetFirstPlayerController()->GetPawn()->GetActorLocation();
FVector BarrelLocation = Barrel->GetComponentLocation();
auto Direction = (TargetLocation - BarrelLocation).GetSafeNormal();
FRotator BarrelRotation = Barrel->GetForwardVector().Rotation();
FRotator DirectionRotation = Direction.Rotation();
FRotator DeltaRotation = (DirectionRotation - BarrelRotation);
DrawDebugLine(GetWorld(), BarrelLocation, BarrelLocation + Direction * 200000, FColor::Blue, false, 0, 0, 10);
TurretAimToTarget(DeltaRotation, DeltaTime);
BarrelAimToTarget(DeltaRotation, DeltaTime);
void UAimingActorComponent::TurretAimToTarget(FRotator DeltaRotation, float DeltaTime)
auto TurretRotatingAngle = Turret->GetComponentRotation().Yaw + (DeltaRotation.Yaw * DeltaTime);
Turret->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(0, TurretRotatingAngle, 0));
void UAimingActorComponent::BarrelAimToTarget(FRotator DeltaRotation, float DeltaTime)
auto BarrelElevatingAngle = Barrel->GetComponentRotation().Pitch + (DeltaRotation.Pitch * DeltaTime);
if(BarrelElevatingAngle >= MinBarrelElevationAngle && BarrelElevatingAngle <= MaxBarrelElevationAngle)
Barrel->SetRelativeRotation(FRotator(BarrelElevatingAngle, 0, 0));
Do you not use source control? Because it would be much easier for me to help you.
What is that ? How can I use it?
It’s used to track changes a popular one is called git. The Unreal C++ Course goes over it though there is now a course on it by GameDev.tv.
On GameDev.tv:
Or Udemy, if you prefer:
Mr @DanM now my project is on Github platform, and still the problem existing …
You have a circular dependency which you should resolve
With that said it seems fine on my end. I would suggest you rebuild your project.
Unfortunately, The problem still existing
I note something strange … if we left the local direction of the tank in the same direction of the World then it will work fine, but if we rotate the local direction of tank a little bit according to World it makes that error behavior.
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