Lamps Vs. Emissive

I ran into a problem where the light from the spot lamp would leak through the shade if i put the spot lamp closer to the bulb. I “fixed” this by moving the spot lamp further away but anyone know what causes this? I have a picture of the leaky light below…


did you try rendering it with Cycle ?


Yeah, all three of those pictures were rendered with cycles lol. The only difference was lamp location.

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Very good modeling and scene setup.
About the light, it’s a normal thing when we add in an external light to the shade, the horrible effect is due to the thickness of the shade (it may be too thin not allow the light pass through it).
So to overcome this either you should try increasing the thickness of the lamp shade using the “Solidify” modifier or else you can use an emissive material instead of using the spot light (the screenshot shows how to apply that material).

Hope this helps… :metal:


Oh ok, increasing the thickness did let me move back the lamp farther. The emissive material would have worked as well, just didn’t give the look I wanted. Thanks for the help :slight_smile:


Reflection of the light can come from anywhere in your scene; environment light, ceiling lamps…
To find out, disable lamps … Test with a none reflective lamp shade shader …

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