Lamp Shade

Much easier then the previous section with the armatures and constraints. all in all I’m happy so far with the product.

I’ve noticed that if I choose to scale the model i need to select the entire stem. since my parts are proportional to one another. Took me some time to figure this out because when i just scaled the bone, the connection relation to the object it was controlling seem to be linked to the current transform when “Parenting” to the bone. I basically needed to clear the parenting rescale to the proportions i wanted the geometry, then scaled bone or remade bone. Following this I then reparented at the end.

Then I realized if I just go to object mode and select the entire Lamp stem and bones, then scaled the proportions and bones kept their relative connections the same. lol I guess I need to fail before I find a simpler way.

Question (In the render you can see the light source ,that is emitting the light, in the reflection from floor. Is their a way to change this feature so that you get the effect from the light source but the reflection of the source isn’t visible? I also notice that an emission material on the bulb from beginning of the course had an emission circle the size of the light radius show up in reflections the same way.)

With Light Source render button “OFF”

With Light Source Render button “On”


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