Lamp orientation goes wrong

after clean up and re-rig the scene exported fbx file doesn’t contain correct lamp position in Unity. Instead of being in the right position the lamp lay down.

Any help will be appreciated.

I’m not sure this is the problem you’re having, as I don’t do gaming, and am not familiar with Unity, but in Blender the Z axis is up and down, and the Y axis is forward and back, but in many other 3D software apps, it’s the opposite. IOW, Y axis is up and down and Z axis is forward and back.

When you go to export, there’s two options in the Toolbar on the left. Forward: and Up: You just have to set them as you want from the drop down menus. Just click on the up or down facing arrows to make your selections.

By default, I have Blender set to Forward as “-Z Forward”, and Up as “Y Up”. That option shows up in OBJ exports as well, so try those settings, and see if your lamp shows up in Unity standing up.

thank you for your reply Miss_B. The same has been explained in the course but changing those options do not help. However, as I follow Blender course and not Unity one I moved on to the next sections.

Best Regards,

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