Lamp final design, chose a ring light

This is my final lamp design! I’m new to Blender but not to 3D (came from Cinema 4D), so I gave myself a challenge: the ring light I have in my office. The bones are pretty similar to the course. I’m hoping to vary the lamp color (emissive material) to convey emotions when the lamp is animated :slight_smile:


Looks very nice and your experience will soon sort out the bones stuff. As you say it should be pretty much the same.


Nice Swirly light. This has some fun animating possibilities- It would have a hard time catching a ball :slight_smile:

Although I would personally consider bulking out some of the arms and joints and widening the base. But that is more aesthetics than anything else.

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You’re right @Zangk : the arms are in reality 2.3cm for a 50mm ring light (Elgato), where mine were only 1.5cm thick originally. The real stick that comes in the box has no middle joint, so I now discovered that my ball joints can’t actually rotate as much as I’d need them to :slight_smile: For a commercial project I’d fix that and start over, for this lecture I might say “lesson learned” and go ahead with this small mistake.


A good approach, one that I should make an effort to pick up sometime. :wink:

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