Lamp animation

I finally finished the lamp section.
Video (Dailymotion)
Here are a few tools I made along the way.

I’m not really happy with the dust bunny, If anyone knows of a good way to make one, I’d love to hear it. I looked for a video on Youtube, but all I found was videos of how to make dust particles.


Ah a jeweller. Very good whole set of tools and modern bench, Little Torch torch too. Did you make all these objects? Vernier guage.

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Well, that’s the theme.

The only things that I didn’t do (including textures) were the vase, floor texture, and I took the markings on the Vernier gauge from a drawing of one. I was going to go back and do it by hand, but I forgot to.

I made the scene with the idea in mind that a Jeweler would see it, so I did a few days of research to try to make it feel right to them. And it sounds like you might be one. If you are, how did I do? Any major oversights, etc.?

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Was a gold/silversmith. Jewellery is a closely allied trade many same tools. I used that Little Torch most of my working life. Pliers, I doubt would hang up like that. You would want them the other way up and over a bar sideways on to any wall, or often on the curve bench cut out. The pendant motor would not be on a back wall, but hanging so the shaft is to hand front edge of the bench. Mallet hammers, unlikely hung stacked behind each other. However jewellery is a massive activity and there will be lots of variety out there. You can image search for jewellers benches and look for the non clean sales sites ones! Huge market for hobbyists, aspirational children, women, colleges, etc. in recent decades, from what was once a trade craft job learnt by apprenticeship. Life changed.


Thank you so much for your insight. It’s shown me a few ways I can improve my ability to make things more believable.

I had never thought about looking at second hand sites for reference, sounds like a good idea.

After looking back at some of the pictures I collected for reference, I’m seeing a few more things I think I messed up on. I’ll have to revisit this project and see if I can do better, later.

Thanks again.


I may have not worded that quote you made well. I mean do not use only the images from people selling ready made benches. Second hand or just working workshop images would be better reference.

Bench, cobwebs of long disuse not required. Jewellers have to be tidier! lol.
Hammer rack lower right, pliers on a rail mid right, also engraving type tools.


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Nice work. Looks Awesome and realistic.

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I understood you. Near the beginning of this project, I started to add wear to some objects, but I couldn’t find any good closeups of specific tools to see the wear patterns in. I don’t know why it never occurred to me to look at places selling used tools.

I did look at some photos of peoples workspaces, but there are so many tools in most of the pictures. That, I think it caused me trouble figuring out how to simplify it so that I’d be able to render an animation (it took around ~48 hours to render as it is.). To complicate the simplification process more, all the bench setups looked very different to me.

I really feel like I’ve learned a lot about, how to go about simplifying a subject. Thanks for your help with that.


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