Lamp Animation Final Render

I finished up my lamp animation! I didn’t want to spend too much time on the power cord, as it’s just an addition by me, so the cord is actually just two very long cylinders. My original idea was to have it fall and “die” because it got too far from the outlet, with its cord not being long enough. I believe I did what I set out to do!

I’ve uploaded the 1080p export here, but I do have a test export gif of it too. I made a small change in the graph editor between the gif and the 1080p export, just would like to note that. Had a lot of fun with this!
lamp (2)


Good job! I think you should be more confident in your work. You didn’t need the text, imo.

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Oh! I wasn’t unconfident in my work, I just put in the text because I thought it was funny. Me and some of my friends got a good laugh out of it. Overall, I think I did a great job on my first rigged animation, personally


Glad to hear that you’re confident in your work. I just felt that the text took away from the joke. Well done!

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