Lack of Unreal Engine C++ Tutorials on Design/Architectural Patterns

Hi all,

Hope everyone’s well and enjoying their time crafting incredible games on Unreal. I’m reaching out because I’ve noticed a gap in the Unreal Engine tutorial ecosystem that I think you’d be perfect to fill.

The Current Landscape

While Unreal Engine is a powerhouse for game development, there’s a specific area where educational content is lacking—C++ tutorials focused on design and architectural patterns. Understanding design patterns is crucial for clean, maintainable code, but there’s a shortage of tutorials that delve into this important subject in the context of Unreal.

The Opportunity

The Unreal community could greatly benefit from your expertise in this area. Since you’ve already created amazing content for Unity, why not consider converting those tutorials for Unreal Engine, focusing on C++? This could serve multiple purposes:

  1. Filling the Gap : We urgently need more advanced C++ resources that focus on design patterns.
  2. Ease of Porting : For developers contemplating the switch from Unity to Unreal, a guide from experts like you would be invaluable.
  3. Broadening Reach : You already have an audience in the Unity space; this could help you capture the Unreal market as well.
  1. At least clean maintainable code would already be available from a clean code book of which there’s already available. Code is code. It doesn’t need to be in UE context.

You don’t even necessarily have to know the language to pick it up and there’s excellent material for clean code already.

  1. Engine Porting. The easiest way is to not tie into an engine in a way that makes porting difficult. That applies to everything and all things eg native OS verses a multi-OS project which allows for easy porting. Nothing is different here really. Do native and porting becomes more difficult. Tools for porting are often lacking or not there.

For instance, UE is c++ while Unity is c# and are not really compatible if you use c++ aspect so you’d have to port the broken stuff yourself by doing it all again Unity’s way (or vice versa Unity to UE). That includes more and more that you used from UE that isn’t compatible and that can’t be exported/imported or reused.

An example guide might be interesting but it would simply need to avoid lock in. Instead, if too much is used then its just a redo and no guide is needed at all.

There might be plugins available to export eg UE as much as possibly to Unity, however and again, porting tools tend to be lacking so there’s usually plenty of work there lol.

Its also not something that necessarily should be porting guide as you won’t get a full guide this to this for everything. Instead, learn the engine where you need and its done.

Here’s my thoughts on your points

The reason there’s no tutorial as you worded it, is that game design is not a 30 hour course but rather a topic that usually spans 3-4 years in the form of a degree from a university. A small course wouldn’t do it justice. Game designers need to understand all aspect of the design, not just software architecture. So, taking all the courses that are present here doesn’t even scratch the surface of what is needed.

There are plenty of resources out there for architecture and patterns. In fact I’m undertaking a pattern course (or rather series of courses in C++ patterns) as a refresher. Just because You want to use them within unreal doesn’t make the C++ courses no less relevant. That’s the beauty of using patterns.

The reason there’s no guide to porting is simple. People don’t port from Unity to UE, more from PS to Xbox or vice versa. Saying that, what is happening now is sort of unprecedented where there does seem to be people moving from Unity to UE. If you want to see what there is available, go to the Unreal Learning port and search for Unity (entertaining but believe it or not, there’s a number of courses there) and you’ll find a few things that may help. There used to be a great course from Sam covering the differences between the 2 but that was older and seems to be removed.

We also have a number of quality Unreal courses here and a fairly significant number of students for the Unreal side of things. The Unreal market is pretty big but generally higher-spec devices are needed for the games being produced and so Unity is more often seen less as a AAA maker but an indie game maker. This isn’t a bad thing. Unreal Engine itself is huge. We don’t even cover 1/2 of what UE does in the courses. There’s the new sound generation, cinematic compositing, Niagara (also a course I’m doing which is 35 hours long just on particle effects) and the list goes on. Materials are touched on but you could easily take weeks going through courses on them.

I understand what you’re asking but the resources are out there already for most of these things, be it here or elsewhere.

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