Knight issues - Scale and mirror

Im having an Issue on a few fronts… I think its due to 3D cursor and origins. But when I move and scale, my edges move across the “center line” where I cut the base for the mirror modifier. I have to keep changing my 3D cursor location, but the video he does not. rotation and scaling seem to be better without the modifier command.

now I have the mirror, and the mirror side isnt duplicating my object the way I thougth it wold, but I dont see which option would effect the knight.

I know I missed something


Welcome to this site.

It would appear your origin mirror
point is in the right place.
In your image the knight looks to be mirroring correctly. You have selected the Y axis in the modifier panel.

The Y axis is going across your screen, Z is up and down and X is coming straight at you. I can tell that from the coloured ‘gismo’ in the top cornet over the king’s head.

If you want it to mirror to look like the knight, sideways on, in the image reference you needed to start with the axis set to X.

I am assuming, you have created the current shape by moving scaling verts only in the y axis and that from the top it does not look round where you have pulled in the neck.

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Thank you for the welcome, and the answer.

you are right about the the looking down, I did not note that before posting, its horribly wrong as can be seen


My image is along the Y, so I cut my base around the X… that means I had to mirror Y correct? mirror on X doesnt show me anything (duplicates in same spot). Unless you mean I have to do this task in with the image in a X direction… does that matter?

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Yes as that is now it needs to mirror on the Y axis.

It is not wrong as such. It just means as you look at the reference image used in the first post you are seeing your knight from the side on the image but the model from the front. I can not recall if there is also a reference front view of the knight to use. If there was or you searched one out, you could just add another reference image behind your front on model.

Your first post image is effectively in need of this image view of the knight.


When you want the side view you can duplicate and rotate the current image round 90 degrees.


I see what your saying, but the tutorial has it the same view as mine (side view)… although the course shows it nose to the right.

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