Knight, Half base, scaling Issue

Hello Everyone.
Hopefully Im just being dumb and its a simple fix, but its driving me mad.

After cutting the base in half Im selecting an edge loop and scaling it to match the back ground picture but the edge loop does scale evenly. It does this regardless of what axis i slide it along. Hopefully I attached the picture right to show what happens.
Any help much appreciate.


Did you try scaling it only from the front/side view which should lock it to 2 axis ?

This was the result of scaling it from the front view. I tried locking it to the x, the y and locking out z, but its always the same.
Im not sure if its just meant to do this or if it is meant to scale evenly.
Any ideas?

Just a thought did you make sure you don’t have proportional editing checked? It’s a button on the bottom of the 3D view (Shortcut O)

Thanks for taking time out to reply. Unfortunately thats the first thing I checked. Ive studied Micheal’s model in the video and it appears his model does the same as mine so Im just going to live with it and move on. Its future Andys problem.

Thanks again.

Yep, found exactly the same thing! When scaling using mirroring, it will scale the faces correctly as long as you extrude exactly in the Z axis, if you keep the 3d cursor in the centre of the grid (assuming you started there), and you have the “Pivot Centre” option set to 3d cursor, but the second you start extruding off the global Z axis, you can no longer put the 3d cursor in the centre of the selected half and the mirrored half. I don’t think Michael made that clear in this lesson, probably because for the purposes of the Knight it didn’t really matter, but it did confuse me for quite a long time.

Thanks for replying. I had kind of come up with that conclusion after spend what seemed like ages playing about with the model. I agree, I think just a quick mention from Micheal could of saved a lot of time, as Im sure we couldnt have been the only ones to notice.

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