
The exercise said to look in the kitchen for three simple objects. I’m afraid my imagination isn’t so great - so I ended up just modelling a kitchen.

It’s not done yet but making good progress and i’m gaining a lot of confidence - I wanted to model interiors to the cupboards and separate out doors so I could explore rotating around custom pivots. Lots of insets, extrusions, new poly faces added - including the sink, which was an extrusion but then in order for it to work in the cupboard interior I had to double-face them with flipped normals (my intention is for game-ready style assets at some point, so keeping that in mind as I go).

Just a beginner at Blender at the moment but as I say, gaining lots of confidence exploring the features of Blender that have been covered so far.


Looks like an impressive start! Can’t wait to see some more work!

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