Kind of succeeded

I accomplished the basic task but the biggest error was that if the player guessed the correct password for a different level, they would still enter the Win screen. I didn’t know how to handle the ‘level’ variable either. However my code was able to check the user’s guess, compare it to a variable, and change to a different enum accordingly.

public class Hacker : MonoBehaviour
    // Game State
    int level;
    enum Screen { MainMenu, Password, Win };
    Screen currentScreen;
    string password; // var to store guesses

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
    void ShowMainMenu() // displays the menu screen at start and if user types 'menu'
        currentScreen = Screen.MainMenu;
        Terminal.WriteLine("Please select a terminal to hack.");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 1 for Your Granny's Sony Vaio ");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 2 for College Records");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Enter your selection: ");
    void OnUserInput(string input) // accepts input from user
        if (input == "menu") // to go directly to main menu
        else if (currentScreen == Screen.MainMenu)
        else if (currentScreen == Screen.Password)
        else if (currentScreen == Screen.Win)
    void RunMainMenu(string input) // checks user input at menu screen
        if (input == "1")
            level = 1;
        else if (input == "2")
            level = 2;
               else if (input == "lamb")
            Terminal.WriteLine("Hello Clarice.");
            Terminal.WriteLine("Please enter a valid argument.");
    void StartGame() //displays after user selects level
        currentScreen = Screen.Password;
        Terminal.WriteLine("You have chosen level " + level);
        Terminal.WriteLine("Please enter the password.");
    void PasswordGuess(string input) // two difficulties for now
        if (input == "cookie")
            password = "cookie";
        else if (input == "alcohol")
            password = "alcohol";
            Terminal.WriteLine("Incorrect Password. Please try again");
    void WinScreen()
        currentScreen = Screen.Win;
        if (level == 1)
            Terminal.WriteLine("Password Accepted.");
            Terminal.WriteLine("Hi granny, enjoy your cat picture collection.");
        else if (level == 2)
            Terminal.WriteLine("Password Accepted.");
            Terminal.WriteLine("Welcome to University of Love's Student Record Database.");

It’s probably little hard to read. My biggest problem was that I didn’t use the password variable efficiently. I saved this code before watching the rest of the lesson.

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Amazing job with your code!

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