Kim's level design

Hey all!

For this first design I purposely kept it simple to start of with. If I am more confident with C++ I can always easily adapt and expand my designs. Anyways, here it is:

Level layout and solution

  1. Player spawn location.
  2. Table with drawer. The drawer contains a flashlight.
  3. A painting. Use the flashlight to shine on the painting. This light reveals a number.
  4. A safe. Insert the number from the painting into the safe. Inside the safe is a book.
  5. A pressure plate. Place the book on the pressure plate.
  6. The door now opens.

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can i ask where or what program you used to build these items? looks like a dungeons and dragons room editior or something of the like

Hello DanMowday,

I apologize for the delay in my response, I didn’t see this message till just now.
The program I used to make this was simply Paint. For the tiles I googled on ‘floor tile texture’ for the table I just googled a picture of a table and so on. Hope this isnt too late and still helps.

Kind regards, Kim

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reminds me of the start of an escape room. nice!

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Hey Kim,

nice work on this.
The Flashlight /Painting Puzzle sound like they’ll turn out nice!

Maybe you could hide something other than a book in the safe, maybe a weight, or something similar.
Might make the Solution a bit more obvious and if I found a book I’d be really disapointed if I couldn’t read it in a game :smiley:

Look forward to seeing this, Good luck!

Thanks for the feedback! I’ll see what I can do.

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