Keyboard shortcuts for course video playback speed


I’m really enjoying the Complete Godot 3D course. I didn’t see the previous version of the site, but the new one looks nice!

I’m finding myself switching the playback speed quite often during videos depending on how complex the content is.

Is it possible to change playback speed using keyboard shortcuts? That would be very useful for being able to slow down or speed up quickly while learning, rather than having to navigate with the mouse every time.

Apologies if this has been asked before, I searched the forums but haven’t found an answer so far.

Any help is much appreciated.


the only keyboard shortcuts that im aware of are the following.

Key Action
0 to 9 Seek from 0 to 90% respectively
space Toggle playback
K Toggle playback
Seek backward by the seekTime option
Seek forward by the seekTime option
Increase volume
Decrease volume
M Toggle mute
F Toggle fullscreen
C Toggle captions
L Toggle loop

there doesnt appear to be one for adjusting playback speed unfortunately.

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