Keybindings for videos


I would like to request the implementation of specific keybindings for video playback to enhance the user experience, especially when using multiple screens. Having the course on one screen and the program on another makes it much more efficient to control video playback entirely from the keyboard. Here are the keybindings I am suggesting:

  • Left Arrow (←): Skip backward by 10 seconds
  • Right Arrow (→): Skip forward by 10 seconds
  • Spacebar: Play/Pause the video
  • Up Arrow (↑): Increase volume
  • Down Arrow (↓): Decrease volume
  • M: Mute/Unmute the video
  • F: Enter/Exit full-screen mode
  • 0-9 Keys: Jump to specific points in the video (0 for start, 9 for 90%, etc.)

These keybindings are similar to those used on popular platforms like YouTube and would greatly improve navigation and control during video playback, making it easier to follow along with courses and tutorials.

Thank you for considering this request.

Best regards,


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