Key Frame positions getting changed

Whenever I try to add a new key frame after the initial rise of my player object, the coordinates of the first two key frames become radically altered. I’ve included a video to show what I’m talking about.

Why’s this happening and how do I prevent it?


I was having the same issue.

I observed the issue happening when I introduce a rotation change within the timeline animation track. When that happens, timeline adds that rotation retroactively to all the keyframes.
What I did to fix this, was adding the rotation property to the animation track on the first key frame with the original rotation. Then I was able to proceed as in the video.

To update the animation track, double click on the timeline.


Thanks this helped me too

I am having this problem as well. In my case I am creating the path, if I move without rotating it just works perfectly fine, as Soon as I rotate all the previous path I created just disappear. How do I add rotation Property to animation track? I tried to rotate manually, Tried to align with view, move to view but nothing seems to be working

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