Just thought I'd show off my looping waves

I don’t know why there are little squares on the screen. This is my first time creating a gif and my second time using obs. Also, sorry for the bad art, I can’t draw well but thought I’d create my own assets…


I think it is lovely!
“Drawing well” is not the point. The point is that you are doing it.
Congrats on the waves.

Cool! Like Patricia said, it’s by doing that our skills grow :smile:
And I find what you did super cute

There’s one thing though, the enemy that looks like a red triangle looks like it’s bouncing off the planet on the right sometimes. You could move de waypoint either a little on the planet or to the left of it to fix it.

Good job! :grinning:

The planet’s just part of the background png

haha I know! But since the edge of the sprite of your enemies change direction right at the edge of the planet, it gives the illusion of the enemy bouncing off the planet. It’s called a tangent in art and photography (probably in video games as well)

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Oh, I didn’t know that. Thanks. I also, changed the background now that we’re having it loop. I don’t want the player to see the same planets again and again so I just did a starfield. I think I’m starting to get used to krita.

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