Just some Laser Defender Assets (created in Blender)

Hope anyone could use it…& the upload will keep the alpha-channel…
As this is my first post in here, i am not allowed to post multiple pictures, so packed all in one picture. :frowning:

Its hard to see, but there are two laser-beams (enemy- & player-laser) on top-left in this image.
You need to find values foryourself, that the laserbeams match with the laser-canons in game.
Will post a screenshot in another post.

Feel free to use it.


Here are the other screenshots:

(“early-built”, so no starfield,…etc)

…and another one in the next post…

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Nice thing: If you create your own assets in Blender, you can build & render scenes for the Intro (Menu):

(“Early built” so please dont complain about the Menu and the Menu-Fonts itself. Changed it later… :wink:


wow, VERY awesome :smiley: I’d like to build some assets for a few course projects including the current Block Breaker I’m on now. I’ve taken a course in drawing and Blender on Udemy so I hope to start following them when I get to the part of implementing the assets and making them do stuff.


Thank you!

Used http://www.blenderguru.com/ for my first steps in Blender.
Think you’d like this ( source of 4 of 14 screenshots on Blender.org 's feature-page )

I just started @ben Blender-Course on Udemy .
Hope there will be some hints on how working Blender & Unity together ( @ben I’d really appreciate a course focused on ONE 3D-game, created from scratch, combining unity, blender & gimp )

Really appreciate that.


Now that would be REALLY interesting.

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Thanks for the suggestion. This the the thought for our highly voted RPG course idea. We were just talking yesterday about it covering all these bases (only Gimp if really required).

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I have to ask. How did you make 2D images in blender?

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Hello Aron.
I placed the (square-sized) camera in Blender above the object.

I used Cycles for rendering. You can change it in the “Info”-window.
In “Properties->Render->Film” I checked the “transparent”-Checkbox, to get the Object rendered with a transparent background .
If you use the “Blender Render” (the defaut Blender-internal-renderer) go to “Properties->Shading” and switch the Alpha-Mode from “Sky” to “Transparent” .
IMPORTANT: Do not switch between both on a WIP-project! Decide before you start which of both you prefer (cycles or blender-internal)!

In “Properties->Render->Output” you will need to choose PNG+RGBA, cause PNG supports Alpha-channels (transparency), Otherwise you will loose transparency in your renderings.

Hope that helps.



Certainly has, but I’m stuck on a few things…Got to continue that Blender course and I might have a better idea what I’m doing. I’m currently trying to make a paddle for Block Breaker and then may make a ball later. Maybe I should’ve started with the Ball…

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Cool stuff you’ve got here. I really like your Menu screen, keeps it all together nicely.

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