Just in case your TankAIController is not Ticking

I had a problem with windows version and I had to upgrade my Unreal Engine Version. On 4.14, on BeginPlay, Add this line to TankAIController start to call Tick():

    void ATankAIController::BeginPlay() {
       PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

I hope this help.


Thanks for sharing.

I have logged that BeginPlay has been called, and used your solution, however my AIController is still not ticking =[

It has been some time since I made this code. But in last updat (4.19) I moved the code a bit.

ATankAIController::ATankAIController() {
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;


void ATankAIController::BeginPlay() {

Thank you !!

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