Jump sound dies off around 3000 points

Just testing the code and the game, and i think i have attached an audio player to the base of the game as if starts to get quieter as i jump higher and once i get to 3000 points i am completely out of range of the sound.

so this is why i believe i have attached a speak to a y position at the base of the jump

edit sounds start to fade around 200 and all sounds, even clicks on buttons.

any ideas?

It sounds like you might have been using AudioStreamPlayer2D. That plays positional sound and has a Transform - good for water rushing from a waterfall or something like that.

If this is what’s happening, the node you want is just AudioStreamPlayer. This plays sound regardless of position.


Hi Darren welcome to the community :wave:

i think it might have been the AudioStreamPlayer2D that you have used here.
the 2D version of it plays spatial audio.
by that i mean the further away from the camera (the default audio listener) the player is the more the sound is attenuated. which would account for it getting quieter, the further the camera is from it.

the other player is the AudioStreamPlayer (without the 2D suffix),
this one plays audio, non spatially, so it doesn’t matter where its placed, it just plays at the same volume.

if you can check what of the audio stream player you have please.

you should be able to change the type of the node if its incorrect. but might need a couple of little tweaks in the script if its still looking for the 2D versions.



Oh you guys fixed it off the bat, kudos and thank you.
also i love the option in Godot to change type…
that was such a quick fix…

thank you so much
I watched the video so many times and i think i was just blind to what i was seeing and deaf to what he was saying.
again thank you


Sweet, glad it’s all working as it should.

Just as an additional caveat when using the right click option to change type.

If there’s a script attached to it, you will see it will use the ‘extends’ keyword at the top.
This means that it will inherit all the nodes base methods.

So if you change the type, remember to change what node type , or class the script extends from otherwise you won’t have access to that nodes specific methods if needed.

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